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Android Avengence!

December 17, 2010

All you have to do is place iBlanks(gridlock recommended) where the Android and text is. Also where the setting one is so you can slide the tab and make it look good :P. I take credit for none of these icons. Just the genius who combined one picture and another and put the slider on, also I did go all out with the lock screen, I edited the slider and the picture by combining pictures and forming them together. Enjoy! (Not Finished Though will be updated) Also in Cydia! YAY! For the person who finds out a way to get the tab to work on iOS4 FW 4.2.1 will receive a custom and HD android theme with a weather widget and a very nice springboard jumping dock.

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Contains content from Alit.


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14 years ago
Thanks newsy107 Check out my theme i've been using for the past couple of weeks but never shared till now :D§ion=&global=1&q=iDroid+Theme#/d3ahpqm
14 years ago
I like it
14 years ago
@R0ck1t, I could add more icons yes, but I do not take credit for these icons, all of you should check out my android theme. If you want ask for a link. @Fireyoshi005,yes the theme is n Cydia!i looked
14 years ago
sorry for the late respond everyone, @irock, what firmware are you running? @R0ck1t, it shpuld be, yeah. @ipodULous101, just a little time and effort ;] I never actually tried out these themes...
14 years ago
is it in cydia because if it isn't i can get it in.
14 years ago